The unusual goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a selectively farmed freshwater species that occurs in many colors, shapes, and other characteristics. These unique goldfish have a flowing double tail and a slowly moving, egg-shaped body that requires special attention.
The correct aquarium size may be controversial for some goldfish owners, but we recommend 20 gallons of water for goldfish and at least 10 gallons for other goldfish. If you put your goldfish in a 20-gallon tank, they will run out of space, and you will be forced to make frequent water changes to keep the tank clean. A maintenance plan for your tank is easier to manage if you control five or six goldfish in the same tank as your other fish, such as a small aquarium or a large aquarium.
In addition to the volume of water, you should also consider the dimensions of your tank. Get the most massive tank you can afford and make sure you clean it regularly and have it cleaned regularly. In China, where goldfish were initially developed, they are often used in aquariums to provide more oxygen. Goldfish prefer water with high chlorophyll content or high oxygen concentrations, such as water from the sea.
During most of the time goldfish were kept like animals; they were mainly housed in pools.
Many Buddhist monks in China started holding flashy-colored chi – the ancestor of the gold-wild fish’s carp – in pools during the 9th century to protect them from predators. (They’re the main objectives in their natural habitat with their flashy gold, red, gelb, or orange scales.)
In the 1200s, the fish became domestically separated from their chi ancestors and completely genetically. They were regarded as a status symbol for the rich and kept out of their homes in ponds.
By the 1500s, goldfish were commonly kept in the bowls indoors, although they never should be limited to a bowl.

This practice may have started to show guests his finest specimen, yet his primary residence outside the swimming pool.
“Fancier” varieties were kept permanently inside fishbowls because they could not avoid predation or compete outside with faster “wild” pond mates. Goldfish were, therefore, genetically distinguished from their Chi ancestors.
Heating For Goldfish
Gold fish are known as cold-water fish; they survive at temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees Celsius. It means that no heating is required, as goldfish can exist at room temperature.
Many people keep their goldfish in open ponds in a mild climate all year round. Even if no heating is required, filtration is essential, as goldfish are voracious eaters and therefore produce a lot of waste. Standard options include a sponge filter that has a smooth flow and is easy to maintain. No matter which filters you choose, make sure you produce an excellent surface movement to increase your goldfish’s oxygen supply.
Food For Goldfish
When you feed lots of low-quality foods, they tend to contain more indigestible material, making the tank dirty faster and requiring more water changes. If frozen food or duckweed is fed cleanly, the aquarium requires less care, and the fish show a more lively coloration.
I like to give my gold fish a small meal twice a day, but overeating is more of a problem than malnutrition. It is also better to feed small meals twice a day than to give large meals, as goldfish can be flatulent. There is no need to starve your gold fish, but only provide them small amounts of food.

Tank Size
Several things could cause it, but it is best to wait a week before making drastic changes to the aquarium, as the bacterial cloud will eventually disappear. If the tank has been redeveloped or many new gold fish have been added recently, turbidity can cause bacterial blooms, as beneficial bacteria multiply rapidly in response to increased fish waste.
Water Conditions
Suppose the water is cloudy because too many particles are floating in it or because a clogged filter can no longer effectively remove the dirt from the tank. In that case, you should consider changing the water or cleaning the filter. It is recommended to buy an aquarium water test kit and change the water if the nitrates are above 40 ppm, but if possible, at least once a week.
Try to change 30-50% of the water at once and monitor how long it takes for nitrates to reach 40 ppm again, and then develop a weekly or monthly plan based on the results. As your fish grow larger, they produce more waste, so it may be worth giving them a larger tank, putting them in an outdoor pond, or moving them to someone with more space.
This set contains instructions on how to prepare tests, interpret results, and correct unsafe water conditions. Since gold fish have a taste for vegetables and like to rummage through the substrate in search of food, we have an extensive list of suitable plants that are safe for them. This list consists of rhizome plants such as anubias and ferns, which can be attached to driftwood or rocks as they are not so easily uprooted. To extend the time between water changes and offer your fish a more significant enrichment, you might also like the idea of using live aquarium plants as decoration.

Goldfish Behavior
Gold fish are funny creatures with their unique personalities and quirks, and what may be expected for one fish can be quite abnormal for another. Therefore, it is advisable to look out for goldfish when feeding them so that over time you can find out which ones are more passive or overactive and which habits they have. Look out for large wounds growing around the eyes, white spots that may indicate malformations, and other signs of abnormal behavior.

Goldfish are relatively hardy than more sensitive species, so make sure that they all get along and do not breed your fish too aggressively. Goldfish should be handled like all other fish by regularly soaking up the aquarium, maintaining filters, and checking water quality. Monitor heat, pH, and nitrates, and you have a thriving tank. There is a bit of a stigma around goldfish farming because some beginners buy into it and misinform themselves and put it in a small bowl and never change the water, which leads to fish dying.
The main caveat to keep in mind is that some species like cooler temperatures, so they need a larger tank with more water and oxygen than other species and larger tanks.