The sparkling aquarium star, the hardy little neon tetra fish from South America, was initially imported. Owing to their success, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand had prosperous captives. In the United States, every month, over 2 million Neon Tetras are imported. Wild-caught South America specimens are less than 5 percent of the neon tetras sold for aquariums.
Their name is widely used for a large group of fish who are known to live between their dorsal and caudal fins as a small adipose fin. Tetras are the second most generally kept fish after Livebearers in community tanks (there you can find out more about other famous fish). Their vibrant colors, size, moderate behavior, and enriching habits make them famous.
Tetra’s Colors
The neon tetra has a white, silver belly beneath the blue stripe. A vivid red stripe stretches past the belly and hits the tail. The unusual combination of red, white, and blue makes the Tetra one of the most common aquarium fish. It is only rivaled by her cardinal Tetra, her cousin, about whom he is always incorrect. The only difference is the red stripe in both species. It ranges only from the center of the body to the tail in the neon tetra. The red line of the cardinal tetra runs from the snout to tail all the fish’s length.
The neon tetra is a slender sluggish body with a maximum length of 1 inch and a half. It’s funny what this fish doesn’t have in scale. The neon tetra has a vivid neon-blue stripe, from the tip of its nose to the adipose fin. This bright stripe is believed to make them more noticeable in the dark waters.
When it sits still and becomes frightened or sick, the same most colorful fish and vivid neon tetra colors vanish. Choose the active and robustly colored specimens at the animal warehouse, as fading colors may indicate poor health.
Tetra’s Source
Tropical and subtropical areas, mostly seasonal rivers and streams of rainforest derive from their sources. Its sources come from a single landmass that combines the continents of Africa with South America.
Tetra’s lifespan
Range of 2 to 12 cm by species. For some small species, they will live for larger species from approximately one year to many years.
Tetra’s Range
The Tetra of Characin group belongs to the order of Characiforms consisting of 18 families, including Characidae. This family comprises many of the most common Tetra, including Neon Tetra and Paracheirodon innesi, Cardinal Tetra, and Glo Lite Tetra.
Neon Tetra Habitat and Tank Conditions
Native to the South American warm rivers, like Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, are Neon Tetras. The Amazon River is the most extensive collection of them.
These rivers typically pass through thick forests with dense canopies that obstruct natural light. There are usually many dropped leaves, trees, and tree roots within these dark waters. That’s why their coloration is so bright. It allows them in these dark, turbid waters to recognize their fellow fish.
You will note that they live in schools and have their time in the center of the water column.

It would help if you strived to recreate your natural world as near as possible through your aquarium.
Under this argument, your aquarium should be heavily planted for Neon Tetras. Also, ensure that the substratum you use is dark; as you can find on the river bed, you can use the small rocks and stems you want to see.
Tank Requirements
It is necessary to note that the Tetras are very sensitive to water conditions changes before discussing the needed requirements.
It makes newly-cycled tanks not ideal for your Tetras; water chemistry changes usually destroy them during this period. Just add Tetras to a well-developed, matured tank.
For Neon Tetras, the ideal water conditions now follow; the water temperature should be between 70 ° F and 81 ° F. The pH level should be below 7.0 and below 6.0, and soft water should be maintained.
They need subdued lighting; a fluorescent light with low watts can be used. Two watts per gallon should be supplied.
Therefore, their filtering needs are minimal. Tetras provide a minimal bio load, a typical Sponge Filter. Finally, you can plan to change the water by 25 percent per week. Ensure that this guideline is not ignored, so there can be too much water variation for Neons.

Water parameters
Temperature: 70 to 81°F
pH: 6.5 to 7. 0
General hardness: 55 to 155ppm
Most Tetras are omnivorous and are willing to eat most kinds of aquarium food. Since many animals are small, make sure food particles are not too big for their mouths.
It’s most useful to imitate this diet in the aquarium:
- Stable, high-quality flake food.
- Immersing micro-pellets.
As an enjoyable treat:
- Frozen bloodworms
- Frozen brine shrimp.
Tetras are best maintained in large schools (at least six in a group) and can usually be kept together with little problems. Tetras can also easily mix with various species. They would generally be perfect group fish – although it is not a good idea to mingle with large species, like Oscars, because many of these species are relatively small. Some species may be vulnerable to water plants.
Tetra’s Breeding
Because of the need for unique water conditions, neon tetras may have difficulties to breed. Build a separate breeding tank if you want to try producing them! Water hardness of just 1 to 2 dGH and pH 5.0 to 6.0 in the breeding tank should be. Using a filter sponge and supply live plants. Spawning fish often leap, so ensure the tank is covered with a cover. Cover the tank sides with dark paper to reduce the tank glare. The water temperature should be maintained between 72 and 75 ° F (24 ° C).
Pre-arrange the breeding pair in a breeding tank with live food.
When the breeding pair is put in the tank, begin with absolutely no lighting. Increase lighting the next day and proceed to cause spawning gradually. In the morning, spawning will typically take place.
The male will spawn the female and then release more than 100 eggs.
The eggs are translucent, sticky, and attach to the plants. Remove the reproductive pair once the eggs are placed in place, as the parents destroy the eggs quickly.
Keep the eggs and the fry low as they are light-sensitive. In around 24 hours, the eggs will hatch, creating little fried food that will eat off the egg sack for the next few days. Hatch rates are not high enough that more than a third of the eggs are not required to lead to viable fry. The fry is freestanding in three to four days, and tiny foods like infusory, rotifers, egg yolk, or commercially produced fried foods have to be served. They are big enough to feed freshly hatched salt shrimp within a few weeks. Approximately after the first month, the fry will exhibit adult coloration.