Do Guppies Need A Heater To Survive? (Temperature Guide & More)

Do Guppies Need A Heater To Survive? (Temperature Guide & More)

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Aquarium Heater for Guppies

If guppies need a heater in their aquariums, this question is a common one, and the answer is usually yes, but it can be pretty expensive.

Maintaining the proper water temperature is essential for the health and well-being of guppies, and it is a fairly common mistake for beginners not to know that you need a heater in your guppy aquarium. Guppy (and other fish species) depend on water temperature to maintain their growth and growth rate.

Place your guppy aquarium near a window or door so that the cold air can dramatically change the water temperature and allow the guppies to grow.

Guppies need a heater that also helps to keep the aquarium’s temperature in this area constant so that the water temperature of the Guppy should be at least mid-70s.

Otherwise, the water temperature can fluctuate dramatically, and the temperature could be more relaxed at night than during the day. Pregnant guppies are sensitive to cold, triggering an outbreak of disease if water is too hard. The heater helps keep the aquarium at constant temperatures; otherwise, drastic changes in water temperatures can be stressful for the fish.

Indoor Guppy Care

As I mentioned earlier, guppies can survive long without water, even in the coldest parts of the ocean.

The only problem is that the water in an aquarium does not have the same temperature as the air. The water heats up and cools down more slowly than air, so it is a good idea to have a water heater that keeps the temperature in the optimum range.

Outdoor Guppy Care

If you live in a tropical region, it is okay to keep your guppies in the sun for as long as possible, but not too long. The sun heats and keeps the temperature high in the tank or tub, and at night the temperatures cool down slowly. Your fish are not in danger, so the only thing to watch out for is when you give the guppy shade to prevent overheating.

Ideal Water Temperature for Guppies

Guppies need warm water to thrive, but the water must be within a specific temperature range to be suitable. They cannot throw guppies into warmer water, so they must stay at least 3 degrees above sea level, which is all they need.

To ensure that the water is at the right temperature, a thermometer should be kept in the tank and kept in it. It can be kept slightly higher or slightly lower without much concern. Still, if the Guppies are maintained at high or low temperatures for too long, their immune systems are weakened, making them vulnerable to disease after disease.

It allows you to monitor how well the heating system heats the water. A good rule of thumb is that if the thermometer is at the other end of the tank and the heat is placed in a place with no heating, the water is likely to be heated evenly. Once the water has a pleasant temperature, put it in a warm place for at least 30 minutes.

Guppies Need A Heater especially the female

Use a Thermometer

One of the most common methods of testing the water temperature of a tank is to use a thermometer, but what if you have to try it yourself?

Put a thermometer in the water for a few minutes, and you will get a reasonably accurate measurement of your water. It tells you whether you need to raise or lower the temperature, and if so, by how much.

You can use two types of thermometers, one is a traditional thermometer that you put in the water, and the other is a “thermometer suction cup” that can place on the side of your fish tank. It means that you can quickly detect the tank’s temperature at any time and adjust it accordingly.

If guppies need a heater in their aquariums, this question is a common one, and the answer is usually yes, but it can be pretty expensive.

Having Guppies in Cold Water Without a Heater

Most aquarists use heater radiators in their aquariums and fish tanks to regulate temperature, but guppies need a stable, warm temperature to grow and stay healthy. If you don’t install heating, your Guppy will experience stress due to the lack of heat. Heaters help you monitor the temperature and manually adjust it to your needs and those of your fish.

When guppy fish are stressed, their immunity is weakened, and their body temperature rises, which can overheat and damage them.

When their immunity decreases, they become refreshed, and if they are not fed enough, guppies are more likely to become ill and catch diseases.

Guppy Aquarium Heater Size Guide

The size of the heater depends on the size of your aquarium; if you have a smaller tank, you need a heater with less power. If you use a larger tank to ensure that the water is adequately heated, your heater will have more energy, but the more significant the aquarium, the more heat.

When choosing the heating capacity, you must follow a simple rule of thumb: the larger the tank, the more heat you need.

The following table lists the heating capacity required for the various sizes of indoor aquariums. Note: Consider room air temperatures between 70 and 21 degrees, but this rule applies only to the size of the tank, not the temperature of its water. The above tank sizes and heating capacities can heat a water tank to a maximum of 0.5 degrees Celsius in a single day.

Aquarium Size Heater Wattage

5 Gallons / 19 Liters 30 W

10 Gallons / 38 Liters 55 W

20 Gallons / 76 Liters 110 W

25 Gallons / 95 Liters 130W

40 Gallons / 152 Liters 220 W

50 Gallons / 190 Liters 270 W

Using the tank sizes and heater wattages mentioned above, you can heat the tank water up to 80°F (27°C).

Keeping Guppies In Tub or Pot

In tropical climates, where temperatures do not drop below 20 degrees in winter, guppies can stay separated from aquariums for months and even separate from the water.

It is recommended that you know the living environment of the pot or tub where you keep your guppy fish and know that there are perfect atmospheric conditions for the fish. Note the pots and pots in which they are stored, as well as all other habitats.

The temperature in Hawaii never drops below 20 degrees Celsius at this time of year, and the guppies are bred and reared to live in regions where temperatures drop below freezing. If your Guppy is already stored in a tub, you do not need to use a heater if you are already keeping it. The living conditions of the tub correspond to conditions in the Pacific, where the temperature in Hawaii drops to -20 degrees Fahrenheit.

The most important thing is to have a bath or a pond in early spring when the temperature does not drop below 18 degrees. The sun will warm the water in the pot, tub, and pond, which is non-toxic to the guppy fish, so its temperature will not drop as much as it does because water cools more slowly than air. If it gets warmer in summer, you may want to create some shade around the tub to prevent overheating.

Guppies need a heater that also helps to keep the aquarium’s temperature in this area constant so that the water temperature of the Guppy should be at least mid-70s.

What Happens If The Water Gets Too Cold?

If a guppy seems sluggish or lethargic, he is affected by a drop in temperature. If the tank is not heated or the water has become too cold, this can be catastrophic for Guppies.

At this point, they often begin to swim closer to the bottom of the pool, and this is because they are cold-covered in blood and their body temperature is in line with their environment. The stress on their bodies also makes them so ill that they do not want to eat anything that weakens their immune system.

If the temperature does not rise, the weakened immune system will likely cause them to suffer disease and disease. If territorial fish are found there, they could lead to an attack on the guppies, and rotting swimming bladders and dropsy would be a significant cause of death for them and their offspring.

What Happens If The Water Gets Too Hot

If your pool gets too hot, you can see your guppies whizzing around in a swimming and unpredictable manner. But it’s not just cold water we have to worry about – there’s hot water, too, and if the pools get too hot, we might find our guppy swimming or whiz around in the water.

It may seem optimistic, but it has disastrous effects – we have more energy to use, our immune system weakens, and we get sick. When we are massively stressed, we may even have to be more active, aggressive, and prone to disease because we use more energy.

Fortunately, cooling the aquarium is much easier than heating it – you can remove the aquarium’s lid, blow a fan over it, and put more conditioned, cold water into the aquarium tank, but not too much.

Recommended Heater

If you don’t have a heater, I recommend the Fluval M series heater; this is a very trusted brand, and if it’s not the cheapest on the market, then it’s one I # ve used in my fish tanks with excellent results. If it breaks down and kills the fish, you don’t even have to worry about it.

Fluval M series heater

Where Should You Place The Heater?

When installing a heater, try to keep it as close to the filter as possible and place it so that the temperature is evenly distributed. If you do not install a filter, one side of the tank may be warmer than the other, but you should distribute the heat evenly if this is the case. A filter helps to circulate warm water through the tank, meaning that the temperatures are evenly distributed.


As expected, this article helped me to agree on whether or not you need a heater for your guppy fish. If you need further explanations on using heaters in your aquarium or would like to share your experience, please share some thoughts in the comments below.

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