It is a small species of gurami that has been successfully cultivated and spread throughout the world, typically found in rivers, lakes, paddy fields, irrigation canals, or other South Asia agricultural lands.
Its colorful metal stripes, its small size, and its usually quiet appearance make it one of the best fish in the community even in tanks up to ten gallons. Because in slow waters with plenty of vegetation, the Dwarf Gourami wants to reside. You can reproduce it at the aquarium so that your little Gourami is a happy camper with plenty of hiding places because the fish is still timid.
Dwarf Gourami is a quiet, shy fish, sometimes referred to as the Powder Blue Gourami, the Red Dwarf, and Gourami Blue Gourami. The Dwarf Gourami has a more prominent iridescent gloss on the body. The male is an orange and bright, vertical stripes of turquoise blue, which go into the fins while the female is pale, blue-gray silver, and has very faint, vertical yellowish stripes. The Dwarf Gouramis are known as labyrinth fish and must have access to the water. They breathe directly from the sea.

Dwarf Gouramis also belong to a group of fish called Labyrinth Fish, meaning that they breathe air. These fish rise on the surface of the water. You will see quite often to take an air breath.
The fish is very popular as each variety has a beautiful and iridescent peculiar color. The Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami is some of its variations, which has color blue, red flame Dwarf Gourami, and a Rainbow Dwarf Gourami with stripes in red and blue.
The Dwarf Gourami may, in the wilderness, grow up to 3.5 cm. They usually only grow up to two inches in captivity, however. The male Dwarf Gouramis are colorful with alternating, iridescent blue turquoise and red-orange vertical lines. In contrast, the females are saturated with a subtler alternating blue, metallic gray and light, vertical, yellow stripes.
Dwarf Gourami Care info
In aquariums, not less than 10 gallons should be placed Dwarf Gouramis. Fish waste accumulates faster than the biological filtration allowed by placing Dwarf Gouramis in tanks smaller than 10 gallons and leading to deadly ammonia spikes.
That said, the water should be clean enough to keep Dwarf Gouramis thriven, with a daily change of 10-20 percent per week.
Temperature levels from 72 – 80 ° F (22-25 ° C) are the optimum conditions. Dwarf Gourami likes many rooted plants and floating plants capable of undermining intensive lighting and producing nests of bubbles when they want to breed.
With peaceful fish, they can share their tanks well. Nevertheless, they are a terrible candidate for aggressive, bigger fish such as Cichlids because of their friendly attitude.
The Gourami is rather hardy and soft & hard water tolerant with a PH between 6.5 – 7.
Breeding Dwarf Gouramis Techniques
Many different breeding techniques have been developed for Gouramis. Some species lay their eggs and don’t care about their fry. Some species are constructing nests on the surface (some species are floating eggs; some species are sinking eggs). Other species are developing concealed, submerged nests. Still, other species are their nests holding in their body their eggs and larvae. No strategy for the breeding of gouramis is predictable.
Dwarf Gouramis need plants to make bubble nests, as mentioned above. You want to lower the water level to 6-8 inches to bring the temperature up to 82 ° F-86 ° F while attempting to breed Dwarf Gouramis.

It simulates the dry wild season when dwarf gouramis breed naturally. Then you would want your nanny gouramis to give them plenty of live food to provide them with energy and stamina.
When the nest of bubbling is ready, the male runs the dwarf Gourami of female and finally reaches the point when he embraces the female to help her release her eggs and then fertilize them.
The male places the eggs in the nest. The process continues until all the eggs are in the nest of the bubble. When it’s done, the male put more bubbles on the eggs. Remove the female at this point because the males are too aggressive to care for the babies.
The eggs should produce within twelve to twenty hours, but you can now remove the male from the aquarium and keep the fried in its bubble nest for about three more days.
Since the babies are small-mouthed, you’ll want to feed tiny food bits like rotifers. You can give them more significant foods, such as shrimps, and then progress to typical flake food.

What Do Dwarf Gouramis Consume?
Dwarf Gouramis is omnivorous in terms of feeding, meaning they will consume foods based on meat and algae. Fish feed on algae and small invertebrates in the forest.
You ‘re going to want a decent quality tropical fish flake, bloodworms, salt shrimp, and other meaty foods in the aquarium to provide adequate nutrition.
Dwarf Gourami Diseases info
While the fish may be of fascinating colour, most of them have died from a disease known as Dwarf Gourami Disease. Dwarf Gourami Disease is a disease in which only Dwarf Gourami can be affected, as it is more commonly known.
When the water deteriorates, the fish are susceptible and resistant to diseases. For all Dwarf Gourami fish lovers, it was a significant concern.
Popular signs are darkening or the slow death of scales, including the lightening of color strips at beautiful or slowly.
Many people do not even note any signs. But what is interesting is that other fish are not affected when their Dwarf Gourami contracts this disease, although they share a similar tank.

As a breed, Dwarf Gouramis are strong and durable, according to scientific researchers. Many Gouramis survive while others die in the same tank. It merely tells us that the blame can not always be laid on the Dwarf Gourami disease.
Those who want these fish must be cautious in their treatment. Because of this deadly condition, the breed requires a strict maintenance plan.
Care should not be taken lightly for these fishes. If the consistency of water decreases, Dwarf Gourami Disease is vulnerable to these problems. Therefore, avoidance is the disease’s best cure. For all other fish species, maintaining your tank and having enough fish food is essential.