Lemon Aurus Hyphessobrycon) is a fish species of the family Tetras, a subspecies of the same genus as Neon tetras. This fish originated from Brazil and was first collected in 1937 for the aquarium trade and is thus the oldest modern aquarium fish.
Lemon Tetra inhabit clear water with moderate currents and usually live on shallow coasts, but they also occur in heavily overgrown areas such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. These habitats can be replicated in various habitats, from shallow to deep water and even in saltwater.
The Lemon Tetra remain relatively small and grow to a maximum of 5 centimeters, but they can live up to 10 years, although they are well looked after – well-cared-for people to live eight years or longer.

Lemon Tetra greedily accept almost any food they are offered in captivity, from fish feed to fish oil, fish milk to fish meat.
The diet should consist of live and frozen foods, which are regularly fed high-quality ready meals, but firm and live foods should also be offered. The taste is very similar in frozen foods, and the black mosquito larvae are illegally bred in some areas so that you can buy frozen bloodworms and blackbird’s feet. An excellent choice of fish food is Hikari’s Tropical Micro Pellet Food, specially developed for smallmouth fish. Those who prefer to live feed are more likely to be fed live fish oil, fish milk, or fish meat.
Care For Lemon Tetra
These lovely fish are easy to look after and suitable for inexperienced hobbyists. It is all you need to do to ensure sure your Lemon tetras are thriving.
If you want a six Lemon tetra school, you will require an aquarium of between 15 and 20 gallons.
The Lemon tetra is a healthy fish species that is well-kept and preserved in most tanks. The coloration of the fish is better seen against a deeply planted aquarium system with several decorations. Tetras are tiny and may feel vulnerable if there are not plenty of secret areas and low light, so make sure they have groves and dense plantings that cover some of the water’s surface.
School fish such as tetras ought to have a lot of free water habitat such that the tank can be planted aggressively on all sides of the tank, keeping the front empty for swimming. Amazon biotope rig consisting of fluvial sand adorned with a few dried leaves, twisted stems, and driftwood can reproduce the substrate. The leaves give the tank a natural look, staining the water to mimic the tetras’ wild atmosphere. Recall cutting and adding the new leaves every few weeks. You may add aquarium-safe peat to the filter to further increase the black water effect.
Lemon Tatras are swarming in large numbers in the wild and should be kept in large groups in an aquarium or home. They can thrive in groups of up to six people and stay together as a group of six. The reward of being kept with a larger group can flaunt their colorful swarm behavior and thrive in posture.
Although most of these Lemon Tetra fish are farmed, they can adapt to most water species, but wild fish have lost their coloration in hard water and often in bare tanks in the past. The aquarium where they live should have soft water, be heavily planted, have open swimming areas, and some open swimming spaces. In the naked tank, fish often lose their coloration due to the lack of light and water temperature.
A tank built with several tetrapods can look stunning, and some other fish schools do exceptionally well. In a shared pool, fish are comfortable and can be kept in various sizes and shapes, from small, medium, and large to large and medium-sized.
Even dwarf cichlids are not aggressive, but aggression can sometimes become a problem even for peaceful cicadas. Reverse filters are the right choice for fish, as they have the added benefit of providing them with much-needed electricity in their tanks.
I recommend the Aquaclear Power Filters, which are robust and durable, and I have used these filters in most of my tanks and have been running smoothly for years.

It can be difficult to sex these fish when they are still young, but it is very straightforward to decide the sex of adult fish. It is achieved by inspecting the tip of the anal fin. In the male, the anal fin’s edge is vast, and when it is ready for mating, it can take up almost 1/3 of the fin. On the other hand, females have just a thin black line at the base of their anal fins, often hardly visible.
Males often have lighter colors than females, but this may be an inaccurate way to discern them. Females do get plumper than males when they’re filled with eggs, but this is also a wrong way to sex mature fish.
When a male can breed, he will position himself at a specific location in the aquarium and set up a show for competing males. Although it may seem that the males are competing in these displays, they are ritualistic, where no fish is usually hurt. During these displays, the males will align themselves with their heads slightly backward, and their fins will be stuck out. They’ll swim at each other, make runs, and try to get as close as possible without hitting the other guy.
These displays will last up to 30 minutes, but they are typically considerably shorter. Women will also watch these shows, and they will serve both to publicize the social status of a male and get him fit for breeding.
If the females are about to spawn, the males will stalk them through the aquarium plants. It’s not uncommon for a few males to chase a single female around the pool, often transitioning to another female mid-hunting.
Lemon tetras are shoaling in large numbers in the wild and should be kept in large groups in the home aquarium. Although they can be kept together in groups as small as six, they survive only if they are kept in groups of a dozen or more fish – with nearly equal numbers of males and females.
The Lemon tetra female moves to a more thick forest or other hidden parts of the male aquarium. They’re both going to start flashing their yellowfins, with the male in a head-down position. After that, they’ll shift into a fine leafy plant to mate – a female that drops her eggs over the grass. Some of the eggs are captured by the grass, while most also slip to the ground.
Lemon tetras exhibit no maternal activity, and the parents eat most eggs in the aquarium. For the eggs to survive, the bred fish should be transferred to an aquarium specially built for reproduction.
For lemon tetras, the same system used by zebra danios may be used. For several weeks, males and females should be segregated and lined with live food. When the females have been plump, a single male and a single female can be introduced to the breeding tank with marbles covering the sides. The tank should also have delicate leafy plants, a sponge filter to protect the fish, and warm, acidic water.
They can also be carefully watched so that parents can be easily removed from the tank after they have hatched. Most eggs may fall between the marbles – beyond the control of hungry parents.
If they do not spawn immediately, the temperature should be elevated until about 79-84 ° F (26-27 ° C), which usually activates breeding. If it doesn’t work, the light period can be continually extended until 12 hours of light are lighted every day. Some aquarists say that sunshine in the morning can also help cause breeding, but this has not been thoroughly checked.
Typically, the eggs will hatch after 3-4 days, and the fries will swim in 24-48 hours. After free swimming, the fries may be served with micro worms, infusories, or other readily available fry food. If they’re up to a week old, they can be switched to baby brine shrimp.