Betta fish are famous aquarium fish, or Siamese battle fish. Also named “bettas,” they are part of the family of gouramis. They’re known to be territorial fish and’ fight’ if you put two together. Betta fish are native to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. They are not found in ponds, despite popular belief. They live in the wild, often in still waters, in planters of rice, flood lands, or rivers. In the wild, the water distance in which they live is less territorial-they don’t fight to the death.
The people in Thailand call beta fish “pla kat.” The male Betta is well-known warriors who flay their gills violently and toss to the fins of others who get too close… In the forest, struggles can take just 15 minutes, but Thai people have bettas that can fight for hours.
Bettas are doing well in captivity, and their aggressiveness, which many find enjoyable, together with their lively colours, helped to make the species popular as animals throughout the world. The fish are slowly disappearing back in their native homes.
Betta fish usually grow not to exceed 3 inches. Their lifespan is often two to five years. They have brilliant colors and different types of tails. The colors widely are known as red, blue, black, white, and orange. Metallic, silver, and turquoise are more unusual colours. Although some betta fish are healthy, they may be multicolored and often appear different from the tail.
Betta Fish Origin
In Southeastern Asia, a total of 73 forms of Betta live in sunflowers, all of which belong to the Osphronemidae family. Yet Betta splendens is the creature most people know about. The bettas come from the river basins of the Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers (formerly named Siam) in Thailand. The fish hinder in low waters, almost stagnant as rivers, floodplains, and paddies of rice. Together with small crustaceans, larvae and other aquatic invertebrates, the animals in the wild will prey on unhappy insects that fall into the water.
Betta fish are not found in ponds, despite popular belief. They live in the wild, often in still waters, in planters of rice, flood lands, or rivers. In the wild, the water distance in which they live is less territorial-they don’t fight to the death.
Betta Fish Tank Setup
Betta fish are labyrinth fish that can breathe freely from the surface of the water. A common misunderstanding, therefore, is that betta fish can be put into a cup and happy. Although in such a small bowl, they can live to some degree, beta fish should be kept at least in a 2-gallon tank. Temp should be held at 75-80 ° F. Cold water can kill the beta since it slows down the immune system and causes it to be disease-prone. Hotter waters can easily make them uncomfortable and age as their metabolism increases. With a heater, the temperature should be preserved.
Betta fish also should be placed in a filter tank. A filter prevents the fish from damaging bacteria and other contaminants. Besides, water should be treated with a chlorinating agent to prevent the killing of fish by chlorine and heavy metals. The pH should be held between 6.5 and 8. These are frequently sold commercially as’ water conditioners.’ To ensure the fish is safe, water should be cleaned regularly, at least once a week.

Betta Fish Tank Size
The smallest Betta tank size is 5 gallons. You could even use a 10-gallon tank — ensure that the tank isn’t huge. It’s not enough swimming area.
Since Betta fish is used to swim in shallow waters from left to right, a deep tank isn’t suitable for their habit.
Also, select a regular square tank over a cup. Bettas so sensitive to bacterial diseases, an effective system of filtration is vital to their habitat.
In Southeastern Asia, a total of 73 forms of Betta live in sunflowers, all of which belong to the Osphronemidae family. Yet Betta splendens is the creature most people know about.
Betta Fish Food Time
Betta is carnivorous fish. They exist through the feeding of insects and larvae so that a healthy fish food with plenty of protein is fed to them.
Betta fish can be explicitly fed designed for flakes, pellets, or ready frozen meals. Such foods contain protein levels that suit their requirements.
Food Quantity
Betta fish can’t really feel when they’re full. They usually find their next meal in wild habitat, so it is up to you to provide the right food to your beta fish.
Two specific rules are in place for feeding a beta fish:
- Only supply your fish with enough food to eat in 2 minutes. You should give them up to five minutes if you’ve got a fish you dawdle while they eat.
- A food portion must equal approximately 5% of the body size of a betta.

Tank Mates
Many bettas are too aggressive to stay with other inhabitants, but they can be sweet to particular non-aggressive tank mates who do not have bright colors or long fins. Because of the acute aggressivity of the male, Betta is known as siamese fighting fish. This was improved by genetic modification in the 1800s and still forms part of its genetic composition.
Success improves through the addition of group fish with bettas in larger ponds with plenty of space to hide. To provide adequate space for a fair community environment, use an 8-10 gallon or a bigger aquarium.
The upgraded space is bigger tanks will reduce the Betta’s territorial instincts and diminish attacks against certain fish types.
Males against females also show violent behavior. Females can stay with each other, however, in teams of five and sometimes more, but tank sizes of 10 gallons or more should double. A strict thumb rule is 1 gallon of each fish for every 1 inch. This change would turn into a 10-gallon tank if you had five females per 2 inches.
Filters are not essential, but for aquariums of more than 3 gallons, they are highly recommended. Filters limit bacteria to harmful effects while maintaining healthy bacteria. When it comes to tank cleaning and the care of your betta fish, they are your little helpers. A filter is quite cheap and is best supplied with a full kit.
Betta fish aren’t excellent swimmers, and if the water flow is too intense, a filter will stress them. Prolonged instability can lead to rubbing fins, severe distress, and even mortality. Pick a good filter that can be balanced for beta fish. Use unique prefilter outlets to reduce the strong currents, if necessary.
Water Quality
Chlorine and other toxic chemicals should be free of the water added to the tank. Use a tap conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, and other heavy metals if you are using tap water… It avoids unnecessary damage or death. Never use filtered water as all the essential minerals to be flourished have been removed from the water.
Betta fish tend to have a slightly acidic pH of their water. In the pH range 6.5 to 7.5, they do better. Some drinking water or mineral water can surpass 7.5, meaning you always need to check your water in your Betta’s tank before adding it. Consider buying a pH set, if required, to keep it healthy.

Consider adding aquarium salt to the water in your aquarium to relieve stress and inflammation.
It’s not that difficult to care for a betta fish once you establish a routine. As a betta owner, you should always monitor your fish’s health and be careful about any indicators of concern. In feeding, readjusting, and tank cleaning, the majority of problems can be traced to poor care.
Please forward this information to other caretakers until you learn how to care for your betta fish. Betta Fish should have the right to live in the aquarium for long and healthy life.