The Definitive Guide To Discus Fish

The Definitive Guide To Discus Fish

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The Discus fish is one of the most common and popular forms of fishing, but it is also notorious for being extremely difficult to keep, as internet forums often recommend. In reality, only a small percentage of people can follow the rules, and the rest of us use the method with little maintenance. 

 I have spent many years keeping a discus fish at home, tending it in a fish shop, and helping my customers succeed. Based on my experience, I offer this guide as a guide for beginners who start their journey into the world of fishing and for those who create it. 

 Discus Fish Summary 

 There are two species common in hobby aquariums: the Discus fish and the Black-legged. While there has been some discussion of the five types of debate, recent research suggests a form of discourse with five types. 

 Depending on the species, you can expect to pay 25 to several hundred dollars but must live for ten years and some for up to 15 years. You will find that they are available in most water shops, but the rarer colors must be ordered at your local store or on the Internet, and depending on the type, you can expect to pay 25 to several hundred dollars. 

 They are often bred in South Asia, but they are also found in the Amazon, where they live in floodplains and parts of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. 

discus fish

 Discus Fish Temperature 

 A simple trick to keep the Discus fish happy is to raise the water temperature; 85 – 86 degrees are recommended, but not too hot or too cold. 

 When the heat is kept high, the Discus becomes more active; its metabolism is good, it grows faster, it shows a better color, and its metabolism is good. The disks that generally keep our agricultural sources at this temperature become a source of discomfort when forcing the water to cool down. So if we want to be successful, we should be prepared to make the necessary changes, which may differ from fish farming’s everyday habits. 

 Other environmental conditions to consider are pH and water hardness, but the recommended pH value is controversial as many people attach great importance to these factors. 

 For fun, these two water parameters are not that important, but if you focus on breeding and raising discus fish breeders, you need a pH between 6.8 and 7.6, and the same goes for water hardness. German discus fish tolerate a high pH and hard water; they have not yet been bred and are therefore bred in captivity. Discus fish is typically grown for delicate, soft, and medium hardness when the pH is 6 to 8.7 or 6.8.5. 

discus fish

 Discus Fish Expected Behavior 

 They are the most extensive and brightest fish in most tanks and form wall patterns in large groups in the tank. They are very peaceful and avoid conflict by flight and intimidation, but like cichlids, there can be competition for shoals. Schooling fish will be in groups of up to 10,000 fish (or more) in a single tank, and a pecking order will be established. 

 It means that smaller fish need to be closely monitored to ensure they can be eaten, but they need to stay in the middle and not get up and dive into dominating their shallow tank easily. They prefer outdoor pools and can hide from the water for a long time, but prefer to hide in a dark area, such as at the bottom of a pool or under a rock. 

 Discus Fish Tank Size 

 You can make an aquarium with 55 gallons, but I recommend an aquarium size of 75 gallons or more (bigger is always better). They then generate more waste, feed more, and are forced to make many water changes. Remember that your fish will grow if you do things right; heating the tank increases metabolism and leads to better growth. 

 Technically, the answer is yes, but technically dogs are, for example, pack animals. Many people keep only one and then leave it at home all day, which is a good thing. 

 The same applies to the Discus fish , it is not ideal, but it is feasible and does not cause any health or safety problems. 

 There are schools of fish that are much happier when surrounded by a large group of species, but when you don’t have a decent group, you start to bully each other. 

 To mitigate territorial aggression, buy 10-12 kittens at a time in a 75-gallon tank and when the rowdy males get bigger, identify them, and return them to the fish shop. Once you have set up your pool, you can plant it, but be sure to find a plant that can withstand high temperatures. Ultimately, the pool should contain at least two or three different fish species, not just one. 

 We recommend adding air stones, as higher water temperatures reduce the amount of oxygen in the water. In summer, when the weather gets hotter than average, these stones can help reduce the risk of low oxygen levels. 

Discus is omnivores and eats a wide range of food in the wild, from insects and invertebrates such as oarfish and amphipods to fruit. A third of its food comes from invertebrates, such as Aspergillus, a fish native to the Mediterranean.

 Discus Tank Friends 

 Discus are often shy, and catching a tetra can look fantastic, but it helps to surround yourself with a few other fish known as hesitant to show them that they are not in danger. Fish that come from the same warm Amazon waters are a good starting point, including the humming nose and long, long tail of the Discus, and the small, slender body. 

 Marbled or neon hatchet fish are great fish partners; they are beautiful and easy to clean, but make sure the lid is tight when hatchet fish take on a higher level in the tank. Other large fish to mate with are gouramis, Bolivian rams, and pencil fish, all beautiful, easy to clean. 

 Sterbai and Cory Catfish are among the best catfish species because they live in warm water and are at different levels in the tank and incredibly peaceful. Almost all corydoras often need cold water and would mate excellently with these fish. 

 This fish cannot be paired with aggressive fish and tries to eat the Discus’s slime that hurts it, but it cannot eat it because it injures it. 

 It is also compatible with larger snails and shrimps species, but it depends on the fish’s temperament. If you want to hold these fish together, hold them together with care, and be careful not to make them small enough to eat or damage them. 

 Water Changes 

 To find out how often you need to change the water in your aquarium, get an aquarium water test kit or download this free infographic that will guide you step by step through the process. Remember that the purpose of water changes is to eliminate waste accumulations, and therefore the amount and frequency of water varies from an aquarium to aquarium. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to keep at least 2 – 3 gallons of freshwater per plant and tank per day or 1 – 2 gallons per planted tank. 

 Breeding Discus Fish 

 Breeding discus is a real challenge, and fish breeding can be a challenge in itself, especially in the Pacific Northwest’s cold, humid conditions. 

 They have particular breeding requirements, and the parameters mentioned in this section of the tank setup must be perfectly observed. They are challenging to breed, which makes them very rewarding, but they have their requirements. 

 It is recommended to use a spawning cone that provides an ideal place for the eggs and wire to lay them to prevent them from being eaten. Some breeders separate the females from the males so that they prefer to cannibalize their brood than that the male raises the family alone. The young hatch in three days and then breed independently of each other and feed on the mucus produced by their parents. 

discus fish
Anything that can help these shy creatures feel safe will go a long way to improving their health and quality of life.

 Discus Fish Food 

 Discus fish is omnivores and eats a wide range of food in the wild, from insects and invertebrates such as oarfish and amphipods to fruit. A third of its food comes from invertebrates, such as Aspergillus, a fish native to the Mediterranean. 

 The various foods should give it a bright orange color with good coloring, similar to that of a blue-green or orange-yellow fish. It can be bedded with multiple colors, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or yellow-orange. 

 Beef hearts are not natural, but they are typically fed and do no harm, and they are fed typically. It is best to use live foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, berries, and other live foods to stimulate bright colors. 

 If this is done consistently, you can put food on both sides of the pool, but you only need to eat from top to bottom, not from the floor. If you have a pecking order, you should also make sure that all fish can eat and that large tanks do not block the fish. Eliminate excess food, as it can lead to health problems and low water quality. 

 How To Make Them Happy?

 This care guide’s most crucial benefit is the importance of healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction in a nursing environment, especially in the early stages of reproduction. 

 Anything that can help these shy creatures feel safe will go a long way to improving their health and quality of life. Keep the water clean and stable, feed it properly, place the aquarium next to the TV, and not let children tap the glass to limit the traffic around their tank. Increase the heat and place aquariums in a cool, dark place away from the sun, air conditioning, or heat pumps, or place them in the middle of the house. 

 Finally, don’t forget to reduce your stress – many beginners spend too much time worrying that they might accidentally damage their Discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating its majestic beauty. With these simple guidelines, this is the best way to have a successful and enjoyable discussion pool for many years to come. 

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