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You might not be sure where to start when you’re a beginner fish owner. There are so many different Cichlid types of Fish out there, and they all have their personalities and quirks. If you want to add some interesting fish to your tank and don’t know which type, this article will cover the different Cichlid types for beginners.
Where did Cichlids come from?
The Cichlid’s roots have been traced to ancient lakes in tropical Africa and South America. These Fish prefer the high oxygen rating of these large bodies of water, but they cannot tolerate anything below 5ppm. They are the world’s most diverse family of Fish, making up over a third of all known freshwater species.
Cichlid types for beginners
Below are a few of the most popular Cichlid types for beginners.
1. African Cichlids

Found in Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and the Congo River Basin. The variety of Fish in this group is incredible, and they can live up to 30 years old in captivity. Cichlids are also found in Central America on the Peruvian and Guatemalan coasts.
2. Mollies

Mollies are common Cichlid types. They usually live in freshwater lakes around South America, East Africa, and Southeast Asia. They are also found in many parts of the United States, particularly Florida and Texas.
3. Swordtails

Swordtails come from South America and Central America, but it is also found in the Caribbean and Gulf countries of the United States. They are a bright color with long flowing fins, making them very attractive to beginner fish enthusiasts. It can be difficult to breed these Fish, but if you’re patient, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful offspring.
4. Long Fin Cichlids

Longfin cichlids make up the majority of this group. They are found all over Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. The long fins distinguish them from other types of cichlids and create the appearance of a shark.
5. Goldfish

The most popular Fish in our households today is the goldfish. They are found in every country, making them very common in aquariums. Goldfish get their name from their color variety, which ranges from gold to bright orange and yellow hues. They can live up to fifteen years old in captivity. Goldfish are one of the hardiest Fish available, making them an ideal choice for beginners in the world of fish keeping.
6. Angelfish

Found in freshwater environments around the globe, angelfishes are very popular with both beginner and experienced fish keepers. They are very colorful and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some angelfish species can live for up to twenty years in captivity. If you’re planning on keeping angelfish, keep in mind that they grow up to 12 inches.
7. Betta Fish

The betta fish is found in Asia and are one of the most popular Cichlid types for beginners. They can be very hardy and easy to breed, making them a good choice for new fish keepers. Betta Fish come in many different color varieties, including white, black, red, blue, and yellow. They can live up to 20 years in captivity.
8. Guppies

They come in various colors and sizes, with males growing up to three inches. There are many different guppy varieties. They are native to the tropical regions of North America, Central America, and South America. Guppies only grow to be a few inches in size, making them an ideal Cichlid types for beginners.
9. Oscars

Oscars are another popular Cichlid fish for beginners. They come in various colors, including black, blue, and yellow. These Fish can be very hardy and thrive in many different conditions. They are native to the rivers of South America. If you’re looking for a Cichlid fish with excellent coloration and adaptability, Oscars are for you.
10. Pleco

Plecos are one of the most popular Cichlids types for beginners because they grow very quickly and require little care or upkeep. Not only do they grow rapidly, but they are also very colorful. They come in various colors, including black, red, and blue.
11. Peacock Cichlid

This group of fish is one of the most popular Cichlid types for beginners. They are commonly found in Africa and are a very hardy species. Peacock cichlids have vibrant colors and stunning patterns. The males will have longer fins than the females, and they are the only ones that display their full potential coloration.
12. Jack Dempsey

Jack Dempseys are very hardy Cichlid types for beginners. They are also very colorful, coming in shades of blue, red, and black. Jack Dempseys are native to the Amazon River Basin and have adapted to live in saltwater and fresh environments. Very little is known about their breeding habits, but they are a very interesting species of Fish that can live up to 20 years in captivity.
13. Jewelfish

Jewelfish can be found in the Amazon River Basin and are native to various rivers in South America. They also live in the Florida Keys and other tropical climates worldwide. You could easily keep them in an aquarium, as they prefer warm water.
14. Blue Discus

Blue discus can be found in the Amazon River Basin and other South America. They are one of the most popular Cichlid types because they are easy to keep and colorful. You will do well to avoid light-colored rocks when setting up your tank, as they have been known to get sucked into their mouths while feeding.
15. Convict Cichlids

Convict cichlids come from South America and the Congo River Basin. They can be found along the coasts of South America and Africa and in the Amazon River Basin. These Fish are very hardy and make a great addition to any aquarium.
16. Neon Tetra

These Fish are also very hardy, but they are only seen in black and white color variants. They are easy to breed, but the black color variant usually only breeds in captivity.
17. Firemouths

Firemouths come in a variety of colors and patterns. They are a popular choice because they can be kept in salt and freshwater, making them versatile Fish. They can be bred easily and will readily breed with other Fish of their kind.
18. Peacock cichlid

The peacock cichlid has some amazing colors and is fairly hardy. They can be kept in fresh or saltwater and are very easy to breed.
19. Parrot Cichlids

The parrot cichlid has some amazing colors, and the males can also be very colorful. They prefer a reef environment and are one of the most popular Cichlids for beginners.
20. Clown Pleco

The clown pleco is native to Africa and can be found in various colors, including blue, red, orange, and black. They are a little more difficult to breed than other types of pleco, but if you try hard enough, you can succeed.
These are just a few of the most popular Cichlid types for beginners. Many other species are available to make a good companion for your beginner tank. Always research any Fish you are thinking of keeping thoroughly to ensure they are right for your aquarium. When choosing which Fish will live in your freshwater or saltwater tank, there’s a lot to consider. You’ll want to start with the basics of what you need to know about fish tanks, then progress based on how much time and money you want to invest in the hobby.