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The only thing more beautiful than the colors of tropical fish in an aquarium is the color of the plants that bring life to the underwater world you’ve created for them to inhabit. While many types of plants are available, those with red or pink hues are some of the most striking and must-have aquascaping tools available to you. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of ten red aquarium plants you can’t grow without! If you want your tank to shine like no other, use as many beauties as possible when decorating your next aquarium setup.
1. Red Tiger Lotus
Red Tiger Lotus is a beautiful red aquarium plants perfect for adding a splash of color to your fish tank. This plant is easy to care for and can grow in a wide range of water conditions. It has a long, thin stem with small, round leaves arranged in pairs along the stem. It grows in the stagnant and shallow waters of Southeast Asia and West Africa. The flowers are either white or reddish-orange, sometimes both colors on one flower head. Remember that if this aquarium plant lacks iron, it will turn a pale green color rather than red.
2. Rotala Macrandra
If you’re looking for a red aquarium plants that is sure to stand out, look no further than Rotala Macrandra. This plant is native to India and gets its name from its long, thin leaves. The bright red color of Rotala Macrandra makes it a popular choice for aquascapers who want an eye-catching focal point in their tank. It has many morphs, such as red, green, narrow leaf ed, round leafed, and blue-green, which can all be grown together in the same tank. They can be grown in many different conditions, including cooler temperatures, so they are a great option for beginners and experienced growers looking for something new.
3. Ludwigia Repens
Ludwigia Repens is a beautiful red aquarium plants from Central and South America. It’s a relatively easy plant to grow and is perfect for beginners. Ludwigia Repens can grow 12-20 inches tall and spreads quickly, so it’s best to plant it in the middle or back of the aquarium. This plant prefers high lighting and nutrients, so provide plenty of both. Ludwigia Repens is an excellent addition to any aquarium and will add a splash of color.
4 Barclaya longifolia red
Barclaya longifolia red is a beautiful red aquarium plants that adds color and contrast to your aquarium. This plant is easy to care for and does well in most aquariums. It originates from Southeast Asia and needs medium light conditions, it’s not picky about water conditions, but it doesn’t like high levels of CO2 or copper. The plant reaches 30-80 cm in height and should be planted near the bottom of the tank with good water circulation. It can do great when fish are around, but it also does well when grown by itself. In addition to having a beautiful appearance, this plant will help keep algae away by competing for nutrients and blocking out light.
5. Persicaria Sao Paulo
This striking plant gets its name from the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where it is found in abundance. The Persicaria Sao Paulo is a fast-growing plant that can reach up to 20 inches in height. It has beautiful, bright red leaves that are oval-shaped and measure about 2-3 inches long. This plant does best in medium to high light and prefers to be planted in groups so that it can spread out and fill in an area quickly.
6. Alternanthera Reineckii
A native of South America, Alternanthera Reineckii is a very popular plant in the aquarium hobby. It gets its common name, Bloody Mary, from its deep red coloration. Alternanthera Reineckii is a relatively easy plant to grow, and it can be propagated by cuttings. This plant prefers high lighting and CO2 injection, but it will tolerate lower lighting and low CO2 levels. It grows best with a sandy substrate that drains well. Alternanthera Reineckii has been observed to have some pest issues, so care should be taken when introducing this plant into an aquarium setup.
7. Rotala Rotundifolia
This vibrant red aquarium plants is perfect for adding a splash of color to your aquarium. Rotala Rotundifolia is easy to care for and can be kept in a wide range of water conditions. This plant is also an excellent option for beginners, as it is very hardy. Rotala Rotundifolia can be propagated by cutting and replanting the stem, and it will readily produce new roots and shoots. The stems are long and wiry, with many narrow leaves at the base and round at the tips.
8. Nymphaea Lotus
If you’re looking for a plant that will add some serious color to your aquarium, look no further than the Nymphaea Lotus. Also known as the Zenkeri Red or Red Tiger Lotus, this plant is sure to make a statement. The Nymphaea Lotus is native to Africa and Europe and can grow up to 8-12 inches. This plant prefers slow-moving water and lots of sunlight, so be sure to provide both if you want it to thrive. It’s also worth noting that these plants are hardy, making them an excellent choice for beginners who don’t have much experience with live plants. As long as they get enough light and nutrients, they’ll do well in any aquarium.
9. Red Root Floater
Red Root Floater is a common name for the plant Hemigraphis exotica. Native to South America, this green- and red-leafed aquatic perennial has seen success in both fresh and salt water environments. Numerous varieties of this species exist, but all will produce light pink flowers in the summertime. The plants are tolerant of high and low temperatures and hard water conditions with minimal need for fertilizer; they are also easy to propagate via cuttings or by dividing them during repotting sessions.
10. Red Watermilfoil
Red watermilfoil is a common and versatile red aquarium plants that adds both color and movement to the aquarium. It can be grown as a foreground or background plant and can even be used as a floating plant. Red watermilfoil is easy to care for and propagates easily, making it a great choice for beginner aquarists. They also prefer an environment with moderate lighting levels and low nutrient levels. To encourage growth, this plant should be planted in a pot containing clay or gravel at the bottom of the pot so there are several inches of space between the surface of the water and where roots will grow from.
This list of red aquarium plants is a great starting point for anyone new to the hobby who wants to learn more about what type of plants they should consider when setting up their tank. These are just a few of the many plants available in stores, but you can also find them online.